Free Christian Classified Ads
Free Christian Classified Ads. Choose from different categories, Announcements,Business Services,Computer Related,Jobs,Free Stuff,Music,Video,Personal Ads,Real Estate,Announcements and more.
URL: http://www.christiansunite.com/classifieds/
Date: Tuesday April 8, 2003

This Christian online community includes Christian Family Links - an extensive search engine, Bible Study Aids, Banner Exchange, Christian Classified Ads, Christian Hit Counter, Book reviews and more, all free..
URL: http://christiansunite.com/index.shtml
Date: Friday December 3, 1999

The 4th of July - Independance Day
A Christian perspective on the 4th of July, Independence Day, and July 4th. America the beautiful. One nation under God. The Pledge of Allegiance. Fourth of July. founding fathers, declaration of independance, U.S. Constitution
URL: http://www.christiansunite.com/4th_of_July.shtml
Date: Saturday June 7, 2003
Tools for building up the body of Christ: an online spiritual gifts inventory (Gifted2Serve), personal ministry profile (Find Your Place), spiritual disciplines, worship, church growth/health, architecture, and more.
URL: http://BuildingChurch.net
Date: Tuesday April 15, 2003
A Light To Shine
Great site for study resources, Christian graphics, homework helpers, links and more.
URL: http://www.alighttoshine.homestead.com/index.html
Date: Tuesday May 6, 2003
A Site to teach about and glorify Jesus.
URL: http://www.heavenspathway.org
Date: Saturday January 28, 2006
Sola Deo Gloria
A site dedicated to bringing Glory to God. Has meditaions and links to other great sites, May all the glory go to God.
URL: http://www.soladeogloria.faithweb.com
Date: Saturday February 24, 2007
Jesus Is The Answer
Celebrate Recovery Info plus a place to find the Grace of God thru our Lord Jesus Christ, Jesusisans.org gives you a chance to add or find the resources that will help you and help others.
URL: http://www.jesusisans.org
Date: Monday March 20, 2006
No Greater Love
It's all about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
URL: http://virgil.witnesstoday.org/
Date: Saturday July 28, 2007
Healing God Ministries
Recources for Spiritual, mental, physical, and social healing. Customized healing treatments. Online virtual meditations.
URL: http://www.healinggod.org
Date: Saturday September 25, 2004