InterComm Media
Produces Christian films, videos, and filmstrips in 47 languages for all ages for use by missionaries and mission organizations in reaching international communities with the Gospel.
URL: http://www.intercommedia.org
Date: Wednesday June 4, 2003A Christian Apparel Store and More
Titanic Enterprises sells over 100 different Christain items including: T-shirts, Hats, Ties, Sweats, Mousepads, Clocks and Jewelry. We also have a fundrasing program for churches and youth groups.
URL: http://www.teiweb.com
Date: Thursday July 22, 1999
Christian Soldiers Cross for Patriotic Americans
Christian Soldiers Cross of Jesus Necklace is made by a Patriotic American Christian. It is made entirely of symbolic components. Be a soldier for Jesus. Wear it proudly.
URL: http://www.christiansoldierscross.com
Date: Friday July 9, 2004
The Educators Home and Education Store
We not only recruit and provide tutors; we sell books and more on our online store.
URL: http://www.educators.co.uk/
Date: Tuesday August 24, 2004
Vincent's Place
Hi, my name is Vincent Perdiguez. Please visit my new site and don't forget to sign my guestbook. You can also visit my e-store here.
URL: http://perdiguez.8m.net
Date: Sunday September 5, 2004
Tony Waldrop Ministries
Christian Believers' Business Seminar; we teach victory, success and prosperity to the believers in the business world. We do this according to the spiritual nuts and bolts of wisdom, understanding, and knowledge that make up the believers' business.
URL: http://www.tonywm.org
Date: Monday September 3, 2007
Family Friendly Video
Family-friendly video, edited christians movies. edited Chrsitian DVDs and movie sales and rental.
URL: http://www.familyfriendlyvideo.ca
Date: Friday October 29, 2004
Bethany Press International
Bethany Press is a major book printing company created and operated to accelerate global evangelism.
URL: http://www.bethanypress.com/
Date: Wednesday December 1, 2004
OurChurch.Com Christian Search Engine
A Christian search engine and directory where every site is reviewed.
URL: http://www.ourchurch.com/search
Date: Monday June 18, 2007
Inspirations inspire your loved ones to live out the meaning of their name with an emphasis with scriptural meaning. Sign up to receive weekly inspirations.
URL: http://www.inspirations.org
Date: Sunday January 16, 2005