An online sermon resource for Pastors in the preparation of dynamic expository sermons. Over 400 of Dr. Dunlap's expository messages are available on all subjects and for all occasions. New sermons are added each month.
URL: http://www.sermonseeker.com
Date: Thursday September 4, 2003
Grace Baptist Church
Audio, powerpoint, text, outlines and more.
URL: http://gbcdecatur.org
Date: Monday November 22, 2004

SermonCentral.com - Free Sermon Resources
50,000 free sermons, illustrations and dramas. Visit the largest sermon resouce on the Internet.
URL: http://www.sermoncentral.com
Date: Sunday September 12, 1999
Cornerstone Community Church - Singapore
Different kind of church designed for people who did not enjoy church-going. Listen to online sermons, and download free articles and resources.
URL: http://www.cscc.org.sg
Date: Monday May 5, 2003
The Alliterated Bible
Bible sermon expository outlines in alliteration. Outlines are very detailed but practical & easy to undersrtand. Sermon outlines from the Old & New Testaments.
URL: http://alliteratedbible.com
Date: Sunday November 13, 2005
Grace Presbyterian Church of Midland, Texas
Website of Grace Presbyterian Church, Midland, Texas, with information regarding our church and programs we have to offer.
URL: http://www.gracemidlandtx.org/
Date: Thursday June 29, 2006
I Love God Site
God's word is the only way to overcome sin, Satan and Increase our faith and Love in God.
URL: http://ilovegodsite.blogspot.com/
Date: Wednesday September 29, 2010
Pastor Bill's Resources
Christian stories for children, sermons and teaching resources, prayer resources.
URL: http://www.pbv.thunder-bay.on.ca
Date: Friday June 10, 2005
Millville Christian Church Disciples of Christ
Millville Christian Church Disciples of Christ Millville, PA Rich Plocinski, Pastor "Little White Church Across from the Park" Services Sunday mornings 9:30 a. m. Sunday School classes all ages at 11:00 a. m. Communion open to all believers.
URL: http://www.millvillechristianchurchdoc.org/
Date: Saturday December 2, 2006
Sermons from Ulster, Grove Baptist Church
Our new site contains over 350 excellent sermons and 'thought for the month' short articles. They have been written by preachers in Northern Ireland and are free to use, to God's glory.
URL: http://www.grovebaptist.co.uk
Date: Saturday November 17, 2007