Little Lambs Ministry
Sharing the Word of God with children through Bible stories, coloring pages, Bible puzzles, Bible crafts, Sunday School songs and inspirational stories about children.
URL: http://littlelambsministry.freeservers.com
Date: Sunday July 13, 2003Sunday School Resources
Collection of materials to aid Sunday School teachers including lessons, crafts, puzzles and colouring sheets.
URL: http://sundayschoolresources.co.uk
Date: Wednesday September 22, 2010
Sunday School Resources
Steve Vollmer's Resource Page
URL: http://userzweb.lightspeed.net/shbc/resources.htm
Date: Tuesday September 7, 1999
Bible Clipart Resources
Bible, Sunday school and Christian clipart resources
URL: http://www.pc-shareware.com/clipart.htm
Date: Tuesday September 7, 1999
EBible Class Teacher
Resources for teachers that use the computer in the Bible Class or Sunday School. An electronic magazine with software reviews, free graphics, electronic literature, video projector & PC/TV converter info, tips, tricks, games.
URL: http://www.members.tripod.com/bibleclass/index.html
Date: Tuesday September 7, 1999
Lao Southern Baptist Fellowship
We provide free Sunday School Lessons, newsletters, and other christian resources.
URL: http://www.lsbf.org
Date: Tuesday September 7, 1999
Full Gospel Family Publications
Adult and children's character building resources for church Christian education classes, and the home. Bible studies, intercessory prayer and new believer discipleship materials, family devotions.
URL: http://www.fullgospelfamily.com
Date: Thursday May 17, 2007
Niyi Amuda's Blog
Teaching the inerrant word of God without compromising God's standard for holiness and righteousness.
URL: http://niyi292.wordpress.com
Date: Wednesday April 2, 2014
Child Bible Lessons
Collection of free lessons that will teach children how to pray God's promises. Topics such as fruit of the spirit, faith, fear, gaining favor with God, spiritual growth & supernatural protection. Also recommendations on Sunday school curriculum.
URL: http://www.child-bible-lessons.com
Date: Thursday July 13, 2006