E-cards & Greeting Cards From ChristiansUnite
Send online e-card greeting cards and postcards. Ecards for holidays, birthday cards, graduation, weddings, thank you's, saying hello. All occasion ecard greetings. All e-cards free.
URL: http://ecards.christiansunite.com/
Date: Tuesday April 8, 2003Life in General
A Chrisitan based webcomic that is made to uplift your spirit and have some fun at the same time.
URL: http://lig.yi.org/
Date: Wednesday February 25, 2004
I am a Christian childrens' book illustrator. I also do package illustrations, album covers, and web artwork. I work in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
URL: http://www.btownchris.com
Date: Wednesday January 11, 2006
Christian Backgrounds
100's of Christian worship backgrounds for powerpoint MediaShout and Sunday Plus. Simply the best graphics.
URL: http://www.livingwaterdesigns.net/
Date: Saturday October 22, 2005
Poly-Ticks - Christian Conservative Cartoon
Free weekly Christian Conservative editorial political cartoon, mixing computer-drawn characters with photographic backgrounds.
URL: http://www.polyticks.homestead.com/
Date: Friday September 30, 2005
Romantic landscapes
Landscape painting of the artist Romanov Roman.
URL: http://www.Art-Romanov.ru/
Date: Friday November 12, 2004
Angels by Sharae ~ Original Fine Art
Angel Paintings by Internationally recognized Angel Artist Sharae Taylor, an artist on a Spiritual Journery "I Shall Paint Angels". God works through her beautiful, ethereal art astonishing most who come into contact with these Angel paintings & their ...
URL: http://www.angelsbysharae.com
Date: Friday September 17, 2004
Christ-Centered Art
A Christian art gallery specializing in affordable, high-quality inspirational art prints by gifted artists such as Simon Dewey and Thomas Kinkade. Our artwork depicts strong traditional family values, biblical themes, and God's wonderful creations.
URL: http://www.christcenteredart.com/
Date: Saturday May 13, 2006
Tapestry Productions
Framed and Unframed Christian Fine Art Reproductions by Ron DiCianni, Thomas Blackshear, Michael Dudash and Chris Hopkins. Includes art prints of such paintings as "In the Wilderness", "Forgiven", "Praying for Peace" and many other incredible biblical ...
URL: http://www.TapestryProductions.com
Date: Wednesday June 28, 2006
Links to revival and messianic ministries, 3D art and Flash animations, free graphics, Bible study and other resources on the net.
URL: http://www.glorysong.org
Date: Tuesday January 1, 2008