The Berean Call
Mission is to alert believers in Christ to unbiblical teachings and practices impacting the church. Exhorts believers to give greater heed to biblical discernment and truth regarding teachings and practices being currently promoted in the church.
URL: Date: Sunday September 14, 2003
A New Christian
An extensive handbook for Christians old or new, detaling both essentials and nonessentials of the Faith. Features a large Q&A section.
URL: Date: Saturday July 17, 1999
Northwest Creation Network
An educational ministry for creation sciences that provides an assortment of curriculum, hosts discussion forums, and maintains extensive internet references.
URL: Date: Saturday June 12, 2004
Gospel Outreach Ministries Online
A Christian apologetics ministry dedicated to the proclamation of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in cyberspace.
URL: Date: Wednesday May 14, 2003
Logicality of Jesus Christ
A simple logical reasoning beginning with the existence of the Universe inevitably leads to and meshes perfectly with the deeper truths contained in the Bible; more importantly to the amazing confirmation that Jesus Christ is indeed Lord God of all cre...
URL: Date: Saturday February 14, 2009
IMCT MISSION was Established during July 2010 as an Apostolic Mission by a Missionary couple from Tamil Nadu who worked as Cross-Cultural Missionaries in North India for a very long time and by some people of God in Sirsa, Haryana, Tirunelveli, Chennai...
URL: http:/// Date: Tuesday April 19, 2011
The LifeHouse
A center where users can find christian books, booklets and tracts and learn more about pro-life issues and creation topics.
URL: Date: Saturday July 17, 1999
My Father's House
A Christian site dedicated to the Lord and Jesus Christ.
URL: Date: Saturday July 17, 1999
Mark`s Other Place
This site contains categorized links to various christian websites including gospel music artists,music composing,Bible studies,Church doctrines,Angels,sports,sermons,devotionals
URL: Date: Saturday July 17, 1999
let us reason ministries
Teachings practices and another Jesus of World Religions and the cults explained from a Christian perspective. False teachings inside the church. discipling, law, sabbath, New age movement etc.
URL: Date: Saturday July 17, 1999