Kansas City MVF Resigns from the Vineyard.
Why the well-known 'Kansas City' prophetic fellowship has now left the Vineyard - an insider's account by Sam Storms.
URL: http://crash.ihug.co.nz/~revival/kansas.html
Date: Friday June 25, 1999HOMILETICS
HOMILETICS is America's most widely used preaching journal. Your subscription includes access to our online back-issue library, fully searchable by topic, Scripture.
URL: http://www.homileticsonline.com/
Date: Friday June 25, 1999
You could spend the next 6 hours hunting for that perfect sermon illustration. but we thought we'd ave you a little time.
URL: http://www.HomileticsOnline.com/
Date: Friday June 25, 1999
Gospel Truth Ministries
16 year old international ministry: CyberChurch, Christian Chat, books ON the web, order books & tapes on donation basis, women's course, online or paper magazine, ministry training course.
URL: http://www.gtm.org/
Date: Friday June 25, 1999
Church of England Church Society
Church Society is a voluntary association of members of the Church of England who wish to maintain the worship and doctrine of the Church according to biblical standards.
URL: http://www.churchsociety.org/
Date: Friday June 25, 1999
Christian Revival Crusade Home Page
A group of penticostal churches mainly in Australia.
URL: http://www.crusade.org.au/
Date: Friday June 25, 1999
Brownsville, Pensacola:- 'Toronto' or not? - Article by Andr
An investigation into the emerging 'Pensacola revival' and it's origins.
URL: http://crash.ihug.co.nz/~revival/pensa.html
Date: Friday June 25, 1999
The “Inspirational Success Tips” Ezine Blog
A blog for sample articles, poems, quotes etc. , from et. al. re: the free inspirational & evangelistic ezine, "Inspirational Success Tips, " applying God's principles of success for life or business. Complete format, topics list & complete subscriptio...
URL: http://inspirationalsuccesstips.blogspot.com
Date: Saturday February 10, 2007