1st Stop For Free Christian Wallpaper
Christian wallpaper with Bible verses, featuring pictures of Jesus, animals, birds, flowers, nature, scenic, space, winter, more. Organized by category. Also includes Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas wallpaper.
URL: http://wallpaper.christiansunite.com/
Date: Thursday September 11, 2003

1st Stop For Christian Clipart
A wide variety of Christian free clip art featuring pictures of Jesus pictures, Bible characters, and other free religious clip art. Includes Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving holiday clipart.
URL: http://clipart.christiansunite.com/
Date: Monday April 7, 2003
awesome - powerpoint backgrounds
Christian themed powerpoint backgrounds. More themes ranging from business stress to Christmas.
URL: http://www.awesomebackgrounds.com/
Date: Saturday October 18, 2003
CrossDaily - Christian Clipart
Affordable Christian clipart for your every need. High quality selection of photos, wallpapers, clipart, PowerPoint backgrounds and Web graphics. Bring message alive with images of the Cross, praying hands or pictures of the Holy Land.
URL: http://www.crossdaily.com/clipart/
Date: Saturday August 23, 2003
Christian Graphic Design
Quality graphic design for Christian ministries and organizations. Logos, Web Graphics, Banners, Animation, Affordable prices.
URL: http://www.UponThisRock.com
Date: Tuesday September 14, 1999
Web-building resources for churches and ministries, featuring free web-ready public domain Christian images, HTML tips, CGI, Java and JavaScript.
URL: http://www.christiangraphics.com
Date: Tuesday October 5, 1999