All Clean & Family Safe Christian Jokes
A large collection of Christian jokes, clean jokes, and family safe jokes.
URL: http://jokes.christiansunite.com/
Date: Tuesday April 8, 2003Five Christmas Classics
Fresh musical interpretations of Christmas songs "Happy Birthday Jesus, " "White Christmas, " "Little Drummer Boy, " "Up On the Housetop, " and "Jingle Bells. " Instruments used include Kalimba, kazoo, nose flute, misc. bells, voice effects, and more. ...
URL: http://www.intimateaudio.com/recordings.flog_yule_log.html
Date: Sunday December 7, 2003
The adventures of Lulu Bell
A serial story relating the search for identity and ancestry. Humor and fun. For all.
URL: http://www.bell-on.tv
Date: Tuesday June 3, 2003
Lite Side
Please make sure your funny bone is in working order when you enter this site:)
URL: http://www.tcinternet.net/users/trinityefc/liteside/liteside.asp
Date: Sunday September 12, 1999
Fun for everyone and a little about me.
URL: http://www.alphawave.net.ms
Date: Tuesday July 27, 2004
Trees of the Field - Bible funnies
Trees of the Field - Bible funnies and Christian cartoons. Jesus cartoons, Moses cartoons, Noah cartoons, Adam and Eve cartoons, etc. Cartoons for your Christian web site or publication.
URL: http://www.treesofthefield.ca
Date: Sunday April 3, 2011