Bible Study Aids on ChristiansUnite.com
Growing collection of Bible Study and Pastoral resources on ChristiansUnite.com. Commentaries, Church History, devotionals,autobiographies, bible dictionaries and other writings. Study the Bible.
URL: http://bible.christiansunite.com/
Date: Saturday August 14, 1999

The 4th of July - Independance Day
A Christian perspective on the 4th of July, Independence Day, and July 4th. America the beautiful. One nation under God. The Pledge of Allegiance. Fourth of July. founding fathers, declaration of independance, U.S. Constitution
URL: http://www.christiansunite.com/4th_of_July.shtml
Date: Saturday June 7, 2003

Free Christian Classified Ads
Free Christian Classified Ads. Choose from different categories, Announcements,Business Services,Computer Related,Jobs,Free Stuff,Music,Video,Personal Ads,Real Estate,Announcements and more.
URL: http://www.christiansunite.com/classifieds/
Date: Tuesday April 8, 2003

A Bible Trivia Quiz For You
So you think you know your Bible? Take our Bible Quiz and test your Bible trivia knowledge. Compare your score to others. A good help for Bible study.
URL: http://quiz.christiansunite.com/
Date: Tuesday April 8, 2003

Audio Sermons Online
Free download of hundreds of vintage sermons from some of the greatest preachers and teachers. Also many contemporary greats. Most are in mp3 format.
URL: http://sermons.christiansunite.com/
Date: Saturday April 26, 2003

This Christian online community includes Christian Family Links - an extensive search engine, Bible Study Aids, Banner Exchange, Christian Classified Ads, Christian Hit Counter, Book reviews and more, all free..
URL: http://christiansunite.com/index.shtml
Date: Friday December 3, 1999
Tools for building up the body of Christ: an online spiritual gifts inventory (Gifted2Serve), personal ministry profile (Find Your Place), spiritual disciplines, worship, church growth/health, architecture, and more.
URL: http://BuildingChurch.net
Date: Tuesday April 15, 2003
Amazing Bible
A mega-site of Bible, Christian, and religious information & studies, prophecy, doctrine, news, prayer, sermons, statistics, tools, tracts. Features the Chronological 4 Gospels, Prayer Book, Prophecy Bible, and photo tour of Israel.
URL: http://www.amazingbible.org
Date: Monday June 23, 2003
A Light To Shine
Great site for study resources, Christian graphics, homework helpers, links and more.
URL: http://www.alighttoshine.homestead.com/index.html
Date: Tuesday May 6, 2003
Spiritual Foundations
Free on line Bible studies for Galatians, Matthew and Christian basics like Jesus, born again, prayer, baptism, atonement, tithing, communion, church, redemption, praise, mercy, etc.
URL: http://www.spiritualfoundations.com/
Date: Tuesday September 14, 1999