Flashes of Faith Christian Flash Presentations
A ministry dedicated to helping the body of Christ through flash presentations that will encourage and uplift them. Christian music flash presentations, e tracts, sermonettes, and graphics all designed to minister to you.
URL: http://flashesoffaith.org
Date: Thursday December 30, 2004
Spritual Stories
Do you want to read spiritual story. Just click here to see Christianity stories. This will boost your soul and heart with God.
URL: http://spritualstories.blogspot.com/
Date: Saturday November 24, 2007
Christian Recovery
Discussion of recovery related issues. Emphasis on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Non-denominational site.
URL: http://christianrecovery.blogspot.com
Date: Tuesday November 30, 2004
To know Him and to make Him known
Short devotionals.
URL: http://2knowhim.lifewithchrist.org
Date: Saturday November 20, 2004
Sola Deo Gloria
A site dedicated to bringing Glory to God. Has meditaions and links to other great sites, May all the glory go to God.
URL: http://www.soladeogloria.faithweb.com
Date: Saturday February 24, 2007
Mercy And Percy
Stories from the heart to encourage, inspire, make you smile or bring a tear to your eye.
URL: http://mercyandpercy.blogspot.com/
Date: Tuesday February 15, 2005
White Dove Ministries
Bible-base church, Bible believing, holy trinity, salvation, Jesus, Christ, Holy Spirit, white dove, ministries, web-site, partnership, prayer request, prayer, love, faith, God, sins, Bible search, pastor, guestbook, help, marriage.
URL: http://www.whitedovemin.org
Date: Sunday February 27, 2005
White Light
White Light, a Blogging outlet of Eagle's Wing World Ministries. A place where the young at heart can come together, and share challenges and concerns, and find answers to life's challenging questions. This is where you can comment on what irks you the...
URL: http://eagleswwm.wordpress.com
Date: Monday February 18, 2008
AJustWoman ministry's vision is to empower, educate, equip and encourage women. Try our daily devotionals to jumpstart your day.
URL: http://AJustWoman.freeservers.com
Date: Wednesday July 27, 2005
Bible Study Men
From The Navigators, Navpress. om provides Bible study books, guides, courses and tools for men, women, couples, small groups and youth.
URL: http://www.navpress.com
Date: Thursday September 10, 2009