A Study of the Book of John
Bible study of the Book of John designed to help you better understand who Jesus Christ is and what His love for you means.
URL: http://www2.ministries-online.org/carlfzt/john.htm
Date: Sunday November 16, 2008
Global Life Church
We welcome you to the Global Life Church, located in the sun-kissed islands of "America's Caribbean".
URL: http://www.globallifechurch.org
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Lao Southern Baptist Fellowship
We provide free Sunday School Lessons, newsletters, and other christian resources.
URL: http://www.lsbf.org
Date: Tuesday September 7, 1999
EBible Class Teacher
Resources for teachers that use the computer in the Bible Class or Sunday School. An electronic magazine with software reviews, free graphics, electronic literature, video projector & PC/TV converter info, tips, tricks, games.
URL: http://www.members.tripod.com/bibleclass/index.html
Date: Tuesday September 7, 1999
Bible Clipart Resources
Bible, Sunday school and Christian clipart resources
URL: http://www.pc-shareware.com/clipart.htm
Date: Tuesday September 7, 1999
Sunday School Resources
Steve Vollmer's Resource Page
URL: http://userzweb.lightspeed.net/shbc/resources.htm
Date: Tuesday September 7, 1999
Bible Study Tools
Grow Your Faith. Spend 5 minutes each day reading God's Word with free online Daily Devotionals.
URL: http://www.pocketpower.org
Date: Saturday January 22, 2011
The world's leading resource of Christian PowerPoint Games. These games allow ministers to teach God's word in an irresistible way. MinistryPower also supplies PowerPoint backgrounds, Powerpoint Talks, and PowerPoint sermons.
URL: http://www.MinistryPower.com
Date: Tuesday May 13, 2003
Forest Area Baptist Church
Independent, Fundamental, Local New Testament Church. Sending forth the Word Ministry is a free, correspondence discipleship ministry seeking to teach the Word of God.
URL: http://www.forestareabaptist.com
Date: Friday April 19, 2013
The Bible Online
Please find the full text of the King James Version, KJV Bible online and free for you to read.
URL: http://www.thebible.co.uk
Date: Monday April 28, 2014