Poly-Ticks - Christian Conservative Cartoon
Free weekly Christian Conservative editorial political cartoon, mixing computer-drawn characters with photographic backgrounds.
URL: http://www.polyticks.homestead.com/ Date: Friday September 30, 2005
ABC Poetry
Charmingly illustrated poetic stories introduce each letter and give a unique perspective of its place in the sound system.
URL: http://www.lindachambersbooks.com Date: Thursday August 25, 2005
Message of Mercy Ministries
Music Ministry heard around the world. Two-time recording artists, this quartet shares the Gospel through song.
URL: http://www.messageofmercy.org Date: Wednesday August 10, 2005
Digital Hymnal Home Page
Dear Pastor and Music Director and AV Dir. I'm sure that at one time or another you've had to deal with the frustration of finding an available organist or pianist for church services, prayer meetings, choir rehearsals, Bible school, weddings, or funer...
URL: http://www.digitalhymnal.net Date: Tuesday July 6, 2004
Send The Light
Godly worship and praise including our previously broadcast radio programs that are updated monthly.
URL: http://www.bonnienguy.org Date: Sunday June 27, 2004
Kid's Quest Coloring Contest
Enter to win! Everyone wins something
URL: http://christiananswers.net/kids/clrrules.html Date: Friday June 25, 1999
hi i'm jacques and this is my jesusfreakz midi page for praising the lord. come visit for the latest christian & gospel midis available. -site created for kidz by kidz-
URL: http://jfz.faithweb.com Date: Monday July 19, 1999
Tapestry Productions
Framed and Unframed Christian Fine Art Reproductions by Ron DiCianni, Thomas Blackshear, Michael Dudash and Chris Hopkins. Includes art prints of such paintings as "In the Wilderness", "Forgiven", "Praying for Peace" and many other incredible biblical ...
URL: http://www.TapestryProductions.com Date: Wednesday June 28, 2006
First Light On Line
First Baptist Church: Cleveland, TN / On-line Newsletter
URL: http://www.usit.net/public/volfan/firstlig.htm Date: Friday June 25, 1999
Links to revival and messianic ministries, 3D art and Flash animations, free graphics, Bible study and other resources on the net.
URL: http://www.glorysong.org Date: Tuesday January 1, 2008