Praises for Jesus
God has been so good to me. Helping me more in the last 2 years than I could ever thank Him for. I got fibro and osteoarthritis and He inspired me to write poems and they are to and they are to praise Him.
URL: Date: Tuesday February 24, 2004
Christian Drama and Music Resources
Quality, Christ-honoring drama and music resources at an affordable price. Always a strong gospel message and conservative music. Plays, programs, cantatas, self-teaching piano course, and Christian novel.
URL: Date: Monday June 21, 2004
It's Not Too Late
A Christian play, a drama/musical, based on the Columbine tragedy. A story of decisions people make about God. For some, it’s too late to take a different path in life. But for most, “It’s Not Too Late. ” Runs 55 minutes. Cast of 11-12.
URL: Date: Friday May 21, 2004
Ethel's Creations Inspirational Pages
My pages here have inspirational poetry, a live Prayer Room, Christian music, Christian card site, etc. I love the Lord and am trying to show that on my pages here. Please go here to see the rest of the pages in my domain. http://www. ethelscreations. ...
URL: Date: Tuesday March 6, 2007
Carl Howard
Christian pop/rock music.
URL: Date: Monday April 12, 2004
Jericho AD
Jerich-Ad is a Christian rock band dedicated to ministering the Word of God through music. We believe that music in conjunction with preaching will reach the lost who would never attend a formal church service.
URL: Date: Monday March 1, 2004
Biblical Women, Inc.
A drama-based teaching ministry encouraging people to find answers in the Bible. Our mission is to portray God's living word through dramatic presentations of the lives of His people as a means of drawing people to a closer relationship with God.
URL: Date: Tuesday June 1, 2010
A ladies' acappella gospel singing group of West-Ark church of Christ, 1987-1992. Hear online samples of CD.
URL: Date: Thursday February 3, 2000
Los Hijos De Bethsida Online
Bethsaida's Children is a Contemporary Christian Music Ministry, Los Hijos De Bethsaida son un Ministerio de Música Cristiana Contemporánea
URL: Date: Friday January 28, 2000
LaShannon Hyder
Solo & Collaborative Artist.
URL: Date: Wednesday April 9, 2008