Encouraging Words Ministries
Providing Godly encouragement for life's hard times.
URL: http://www.encouragingwordsministries.org
Date: Friday October 29, 2010
Orlando Union Rescue Mission
Christian homeless shelter for men, women and children in Orlando, Florida. We offer both emergency aid and long term, Christ-centered rehabilitation programs. High school diplomas, career training and job placement assistance are an integral part of ...
URL: http://www.ourm.org
Date: Thursday June 30, 2005
A site dedicated to assisting Christian singles searching for friends, dating and romance.
URL: http://www.christiancupid.com
Date: Wednesday March 12, 2008
Lee & Andrea Chadbourn Family
This web site indicates how important truth is in Christianity. The Bible is the only source of truth. Reading the Bible and practicing it, is first priority to loving your family. God wants you to fall in love with Him; not just know Him.
URL: http://members.cox.net/leechad
Date: Thursday May 19, 2005
BATES Pregnancy and Family Counseling Center
The BATES` Center is a Christ-Focused and Family Centered Pregnancy Center that strives to meet the needs of individuals and families with compassionate and confidential services. Believing, Affirming, Teaching, Equipping, Supporting by Investing in Li...
URL: http://batespregnancycc.org
Date: Saturday January 26, 2008
Bedtime books
Free online children's book. "The Gift" 56 page picture book .
URL: http://bedtimebooks.net
Date: Friday July 8, 2005
One Meal For Every Child
Feeding poor hungry children. Every child should have least one meal a day.
URL: http://www.onemealforeverychild.org
Date: Sunday April 16, 2006
S.M.S Ministry
Inspiring men to become all in Christ, who is All to all who needs Him.
URL: http://www.jesustheanointed.org
Date: Saturday February 14, 2004
Church Women United - Official Home Page
Church Women United, a grassroots ecumenical movement, is a welcome table where Christian women pray, study and act together to create a safe and just world.
URL: http://www.churchwomen.org/
Date: Friday June 25, 1999
Conciliar Press
Conciliar Press is committed to bringing Ortodox Christianity to North America through literature, icons, cards and music. Founder of Award-winning AGAIN magazine.
URL: http://www.ConciliarPress.com/
Date: Friday June 25, 1999