Christian Singles Sites Review
A service to review of the top Christian singles sites. A place to meet your Christian soulmate, or other single Christians for dating, or to share some time with.
URL: http://singles.christiansunite.com/
Date: Friday October 17, 2003
On the Road With Bikers for Christ
Website about witnessing for the Lord with motorcycles, what we do, a page for the unsaved to give their hearts to the lord, plus events, pics and prayer requests.
URL: http://www.bikersforchrist.faithweb.com
Date: Sunday May 25, 2003
Bible Light And Truth
The website deals with doctrine, current events and relevant news for these end times. One should always question what does not agree with God's Word, no matter what Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Evangelist, Teacher or supposed great one is doing the teach...
URL: http://www.biblelightandtruth.org
Date: Friday April 20, 2012
Mosaic Ministries
A Messianic site devoted to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.
URL: http://mosaicministries.homestead.com
Date: Sunday July 6, 2003
We are open to prayer requests and are going into the streets to minister to those that are lost and hurting. We are also looking to aquire a tent before spring 2005.
URL: http://toddlackey.org
Date: Thursday November 25, 2004
Space Coast Worship Center
A Bible-based Christian church in Cape Canaveral, Florida called to evangelize the Space Coast for Jesus Christ. Preaching salvation by faith in Jesus Christ.
URL: http://www.spacecoastworshipcenter.org
Date: Monday November 22, 2004
Youth and College Ministry
This is a place for College and Teens to come and be real with each other and God.
URL: http://youthcollegeministry.tripod.com/
Date: Tuesday November 9, 2004
Are You Ready Ministries
We are a Christian Ministry Outreach. Who have been helping young adults to find a new way of life in the Kingdom of God. We also have a team of Missionaries in India, who are in the Outreach Ministry of India.
URL: http://www.areyoureadyministries.org
Date: Tuesday June 12, 2007
Lofty Heights Christian Ministries International
Interdenominational fellowship/outreaches, Intercessors, Israel prayer groups, Web ministry, teaching on strategic, effective, warfare prayers, Prayer chain.
URL: http://www.loftyheightsministries.org
Date: Wednesday October 27, 2004
Revival in America Now
The online ministry of evangelist Scott Burkhalter. Contains inspiring articles about revival, America, and end-times prophecy, as well as testimonies of healing, restoration, and deliverance.
URL: http://revivalinamericanow.org
Date: Thursday March 8, 2007