Harvest Army World Revival
Every Beleiver A Preacher. Perhaps you are not a Pastor, but find your purpose in God and how to walk in it. Learn to witness and preach and lead lost souls to Jesus. Resources, link, Bible study. Free tape when you subscribe to our newsletter,
URL: http://www.harvestarmy.org Date: Wednesday June 18, 2003
My Journey to God
This blog is about my journey with God. It includes part of my life story as a Christian seeking true purpose & destiny. I will give brief biblical notes on things I am currently researching in the scriptures.
URL: http://www.myjourney2him.blogspot.com Date: Wednesday September 9, 2009
Carleton Place Seventh-day Adventist Church
The official website of the Carleton Place Seventh-day Adventist Church, located in Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada.
URL: http://www.carletonplacesda.org Date: Thursday July 17, 2003
Calvary Pentecostal Tabernacle Homepage
Sponsored by Calvary Pentecostal Tabernacle
URL: http://www.netministries.org/see/churches/ch00722 Date: Friday June 25, 1999
Cullman First Baptist Church
The First Baptist Church of Cullman, Alabama.
URL: http://www.cullmanfbc.com/ Date: Friday June 25, 1999
At The Father's Feet
Worshipping God through music, art, videos, links, and writing archives of At The Father's Feet Ministry, and sharing the secret to true revival through my book.
URL: http://www.roarnworship.com Date: Wednesday September 26, 2012
Hills Bible Church Blog
Know God's Word,, Live by God's Word, Commit to God's Work, Impact God's World.
URL: http://blog.hillsbiblechurch.org Date: Thursday December 29, 2011
Michigan Bikers For Christ
Speading God word one person at a time.
URL: http://www.michiganbikersforchrist.org Date: Wednesday June 16, 2010
Know Jesus
The site's main objective is to draw many people to Christ and making disciples for Jesus. It also gives hope to the oppressed and those that are discouraged in life. May you be filled with God's power today.
URL: http://www.knowjesus.faithweb.com Date: Wednesday May 16, 2007