Harvest International Ministries
Reaching the people groups and planting churches.
URL: http://www.hiministries.org Date: Tuesday November 4, 2003
Stone Tablets Ministries
Offering believers ideas and information for fulfilling the Great Commission.
URL: http://www.stonetablets.org Date: Friday June 25, 1999
First Baptist Church - Groom, TX
First Baptist Church - Groom, TX - We believe that small things done with great love will change the world.
URL: http://www.fbcgroom.org Date: Thursday July 23, 2009
St. James Singles
Site of the singles of St. James United Methodist in Little Rock.
URL: http://www.stjamessingles.org/ Date: Friday June 25, 1999
St. Andrew Lutheran Church of Muncy, PA
Member ELCA - "Comer Worship With Us!"
URL: http://www.netministries.org/see/churches/ch00635 Date: Friday June 25, 1999
Vision of Faith Church International
Vision of faith church international teaches the uncompromised Word of God.
URL: http://www.visionoffaithchurchinternational.org Date: Friday April 15, 2011
Good Samaritan Seminary
Become ordained or receive a degree for life experience.
URL: http://www.goodsamseminary.org Date: Monday October 13, 2003
Single Life Resources
The largest online Christian bookstore for singles and students -- includes information about the teaching ministry of Dick Purnell. We are a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ.
URL: http://www.slr.org/ Date: Friday June 25, 1999
Christ The King Lutheran Church
ELCA church in the Appleton/Fox Cities area. We believe we are to Welcome, Renew and Serve all in, through and as the body of Christ.
URL: http://www.christ-the-king.org Date: Thursday May 20, 2010
Scherf Associates, Inc. - Gospel Illusionist
Lay Minister using Stage Illusions to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ (and other Insightful Christian Messages) more understandable and memorable.
URL: http://www.assoc.com Date: Friday June 25, 1999