Walking With The Lord.net
May God bless you all. Jesus is coming again soon. As the world is falling apart all around us. We must put our faith in Jesus. Focus your eyes on Jesus our strength in these last days. Listen to sermons online. http://www. walkingwiththelord. net
URL: http://www.walkingwiththelord.net
Date: Monday November 3, 2014
Power House Christian Youth Network
Connecting youth from all over the world to God, and others like themselves.
URL: http://youthlink.atspace.org
Date: Monday November 6, 2006
Straightway Faith Ministries
Faith/Word based ministry in Napier, South Africa.
URL: http://www.straightway.co.za
Date: Saturday August 11, 2007
Here Now Ministries
A nondenominational organization that seeks equip single women of all ages, backgrounds and cultures to live vibrantly. Our goals: to encourage single women; to educate single women on relevant issues including spiritual growth, relationships, financ...
URL: http://www.herenowonline.org
Date: Friday September 19, 2003
Grace Alliance Church
An affiliate of the Southwestern District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Located in Malvern, Arkansas, we are committed to evangelism, missions and completing Christ's Great Commission.
URL: http://www.gracealliancechurch.org
Date: Sunday September 21, 2003