Heaven Helper with a Purpose
To help others in their walk with God.
URL: http://heavenlyflowerangel.tripod.com/ Date: Monday October 10, 2005
Networking to unite with all Christian groups to defend the Trinity and create unity to bring glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Hi there, What a great directory Christiansunite. It is my goal to unite all Christians in the common belief that ...
URL: http://www.4unity.net Date: Monday March 9, 2015
Amazing Grace Christian Church - Tacoma, Wa
Amazing Grace is a conservative, Bible based independent Christian fellowship located in the north Tacoma area. You will find a relaxed atmosphere at Amazing Grace. The teaching comes straight from the Bible yet is grounded in today's world.
URL: http://www.amazinggracecc.com Date: Friday May 20, 2005
Gospel Fire International - Australian website
Gospel Fire International is reaching Central and Eastern Africa with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Based in Kenya and founded by evangelist Peter Franz, GFI also helps provide food, educational and medical assistance through its many social programs. We...
URL: http://www.gfia.org.au Date: Sunday September 18, 2005
A love for you You have never known love like this
Jesus lives, Jesus saves, Jesus reigns, and Jesus is returning soon. If you've ever wondered who Jesus is, what must I do to be saved, what will happen when I die, then this is the site for you—simple answers to life’s most difficult questions.
URL: http://www.myredeemerlives.com Date: Wednesday December 7, 2005
Society of the Cross - Societas Crucis
The Society of the Cross is composed of Christians who are dedicated to living the "way of the cross".
URL: http://www.societyofthecross.org/ Date: Monday April 16, 2007
House of Restoration FGBC
The site contains pertinent information about the church’s foundational beliefs and the worship opportunities that's available at the House of Restoration. We want to be a resource to the Crestview community and to the world.
URL: http://houseofrestorationfgbc.org/ Date: Wednesday March 22, 2006
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Westminster is a covenant community of Jesus Christ, proclaiming by word and deed the glory and grace of our sovereign God. Changed by the Grace of God, renewed under the Word of God, and faithful by the Grace and for the Glory of God.
URL: http://www.wpcarp.org/ Date: Friday March 17, 2006
Todd McCoy Ministries
The Word of Jesus Christ will be spread worldwide by Todd McCoy Ministries.
URL: http://www.toddmccoyministries.org Date: Tuesday June 7, 2011
White Fields - Supporting national church planters
White Fields is a Christian missions agency that specializes in providing collaborative start-up support to pastors planting local churches among their own people in other parts of the world.
URL: http://www.whitefields.org Date: Wednesday March 15, 2006