Y2K The Millenium Bug
Will Y2K bring with it the events spoken of in the Bible? How will it end? Will the Millenium Bug bring about a quick Armageddon?
URL: http://www.countdown.org/y2k/ Date: Saturday July 31, 1999
Word of Truth Ministries
Devoted to the strengthening of Christians.
URL: http://wotruth.com Date: Sunday July 11, 1999
IMCT MISSION was Established during July 2010 as an Apostolic Mission by a Missionary couple from Tamil Nadu who worked as Cross-Cultural Missionaries in North India for a very long time and by some people of God in Sirsa, Haryana, Tirunelveli, Chennai...
URL: http:///sites.google.com/site/idamissioncharitabletrustcom Date: Tuesday April 19, 2011
Calls the Church of Christ to the oneness it already possesses, presenting a non-divisive systematic theology and plea for harmony and peace.
URL: http://www.christian-oneness.org/ Date: Sunday May 30, 2004
Northwest Creation Network
An educational ministry for creation sciences that provides an assortment of curriculum, hosts discussion forums, and maintains extensive internet references.
URL: http://www.nwcreation.net/ Date: Saturday June 12, 2004
Joy of the LORD Ministries
A prophetic, evangelistic and deliverance ministry called to preach salvation to the lost, teach truth to the saved and offer support to the called. Founded by Prophetess Joy Allen.
URL: http://www.joy-of-the-lord.org Date: Saturday March 11, 2006
A Christian Voice
A Christian Voice contains articles and links by Christians for Christians.
URL: http://theologicallyspeaking.blogspot.com/ Date: Tuesday January 31, 2006
The Church of the Love of Christ
Info reviews subject matters necessary for the practice and ministry of a biblically based Christianity within the non-institutional/ emergent/ house/ home church movement. "
URL: http://www.loveofchrist.info/ Date: Friday October 21, 2005
Second Coming of the Lamb of God
Many Christians believe that the Second Coming of the Lamb of God will be by a Secret Rapture. Jesus warned us in his word that even the elect of God will be deceived by this. What does the Bible truly say about this. Find out more here.
URL: http://www.what-secret-rapture-saith-the-lamb-of-god.com Date: Wednesday August 6, 2008
Prophecy News
Prophecy news focusing primarily on Israel and the Middle East and how it relates to the Bible.
URL: http://www.prophecynews.co.uk Date: Saturday May 12, 2012