Showing matches 1 to 10 of 63 different. | |
  Christian E-mail Newsletters and Devotionals
Christian newsletters and devotionals delivered free to your e-mail box. Sign up to one or all lists, and change your subscription any time.
URL: Date: Tuesday April 8, 2003
Amy Foundation, The
A private foundation with the goal of discipling our nation in this generation. Included in its programs are the Amy Writing Awards (use of Biblical reference in secular publications; the Church.
URL: Date: Friday June 25, 1999
God Is Love
God is love for my blog for Christians photos, stories, studies of Jesus Christ.
URL: Date: Sunday January 6, 2008
Now Spreading Good News Online Christian Community
NSGN is an Online Christian Community where Christians can experience fellowship, share prayer requests, meet new friends, and learn more about God.
URL: Date: Saturday November 12, 2005
Point 180
The main purpose of Point 180 is to Point Students To Christ One Life at aTime. We have an Awesome Teen Forum, Live Chat, and Games. We wish to provide a safe haven for people to come to, and central-grounds for worship and study. Our site is open to ...
URL: Date: Monday May 2, 2005
Evangel OutReach ChatRooms
An online Yahweh Ministry monitored chatsite with Bible Studies, Bible Trivia Games, Java Scripted Games, Message Boards, ecards, and chat suitable for the whole family.
URL: Date: Thursday May 20, 2004
The One Stop News Shop
This is the place for informative NEWS links, NEWS chat, hard to find NEWS stories, and fact-based commentary and opinion pieces based on the latest NEWS!
URL: Date: Saturday January 1, 2000
God's Magnificent Creation, Christian Outdoors For
Bible Studies, Outdoor Ministries, Prayer, Hunting, Fishing, Camping.
URL: Date: Wednesday February 24, 2010
The Holy Temple
This website is designed for christians to be able to chat and fellowship with the Lord.. and for bible studies once a week.
URL: Date: Friday June 25, 1999
Teen Challenge South Australia
Teen Challenge is a christian,worldwide, non-profit community organisation whose primary aim is to assist young people between the ages of 12 and 25 break out of life controlling problems and.
URL: Date: Friday June 25, 1999
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