Janice's Faith Sharing Site
Sharing my testimony, plan of salvation, my beliefs, and links to favorite devotional sites, West Africa Missions, Exciting Idlewild Baptist Church and favorite inspirational sites.
URL: http://mysite.verizon.net/ress5zrp Date: Saturday April 1, 2006
Czech Republic Missionaries
Stephen and Varya Brandon work with Operation Mobilisation in the Czech Republic. Site contains diary, pictures, and information about the Czech Republic.
URL: http://www.clanbrandon.co.uk/ Date: Wednesday June 23, 2004
Spring Creek Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Spring Creek Church has been a witness to this community for over 125 years.
URL: http://www.springcreekcpchurch.org/ Date: Thursday June 10, 2004
A Bear Thread
A bear thread is my personal website for sharing my love for quilting and my personal witness for Jesus Christ. I am blessed beyond measure to be able to share a few threads with others who are believers and those who are seeking a joy that I have bee...
URL: http://www.home.bellsouth.net/p/PWP-THREADBEAR Date: Monday May 17, 2004
Healing Hearts
A watering hole for the thirsty soul. . . dive into the "Healing Word", the "Poet's Place", "Christian Flash Movies", and exit refreshed through the "Portals of Prayer".
URL: http://healinghearts.freeservers.com Date: Wednesday September 24, 2003
Missionary in Romania
Sally Sebo sharing Jesus Christ to the Romanian orphan children and Gypsies.
URL: http://www.sallysebo.com Date: Monday April 7, 2003
Eat Recipes
Wide variety of recipes with nutritional analysis, recipe review, online recipe storage and more.
URL: http://www.eat-recipes.com Date: Monday September 29, 2003
Abide In The True Light
A Christian blog believing in the fundamentals of The Holy Word found in the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible. Inspirational poems, prophetic scriptures, Christian encouragement, and more.
URL: http://abideinthetruelight.blogspot.com Date: Monday April 21, 2014
Little Brook Ministries
The teaching ministry of Paul Brooks Horn 3 which seeks to proclaim the Gospel to any and all who will hear, teach God's Word in accordance with the truth, inspire the hearts and minds of God's children to Godly active lives, and promote Bible study.
URL: http://www.littlebrookministries.org/ Date: Saturday December 6, 2003
Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church
Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church in Apex, NC
URL: http://www.mountpisgahchurch.org/ Date: Thursday January 29, 2004