SwordSearcher Bible Software
Powerful Bible study application, featuring numerous resources and unique features. Resources include several commentaries, dictionaries, maps, illustrations, and topical guides. Powerful searching and many useful time-saving tools.
URL: http://www.swordsearcher.com Date: Tuesday April 29, 2003
The Great Bible Race
The Great Bible Race is a 14,000-question Bible study tool and trivia video game. The three-mode family game, complete with 3D images, draws multiple-choice questions from all 66 books of the KJV Bible.
URL: http://www.greatbiblerace.com Date: Thursday June 7, 2012
Only the truth counts. Gods Plan of Salvation software.
URL: http://truthcounts.net Date: Saturday June 16, 2012
Awesome Christian Wallpaper
This site offer free Christian wallpaper and links to other religious websites.
URL: http://postman180.tripod.com/wallpaperreligious.html Date: Monday November 22, 2004
Revelations Church Management Software
Download full working demo or purchase over the internet.
URL: http://www.revelations.com/ Date: Sunday September 12, 1999
PowerChurch Software
Church Management Software for maintaining membership, accounting, and contribution information.
URL: http://www.powerchurch.com/ Date: Sunday September 12, 1999
ChurchPro Church Management Software
Church Management Software program for Windows 95/98. You can do payroll, fund accounting, track attendance, membership and contributions
URL: http://churchpro.com/ Date: Sunday September 12, 1999
Church Windows
Microsoft Windows based church management software.
URL: http://www.churchwindows.com/ Date: Sunday September 12, 1999
Logos Research Systems, Inc.
Developers of the Logos Library System- one easy to use interface for all books for all publishers. Over 500 Bibles, and reference works now available. Other Christian Software also available.
URL: http://www.logos.com Date: Thursday September 2, 1999
Fun Christian Family Software
Fun Christian Software - Freeware & Shareware. Online Bible Quiz and more!
URL: http://www.gospelsoft.com Date: Thursday September 2, 1999