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Displaying 31 to 40 of 46 web sites found. WORD4LIFE - 50% Christian portal offering content on Jesus Christ, prophecy, salvation, testimonies, and prayer needs. Links to Christian books, Bibles, radio, and online sermons. URL: Category: Personal Growth > General
Cross Way Missions - 50% We are a free centralized database for Christian missionaries. Each member is given a free homepage for listing current news, prayer items and photos from the field. URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Missionary Ministries
CameronLaw.Com - 50% Christian Sermons and Bible Studies that will teach you God URL: Category: Church/Pastoral Resources > Bibles/Bible Study Aids
The Upper Room Ministers Fellowship - 50% A myspace style community site for Christian ministers of various denominations to come together to share ideas and fellowship. Includes profiles with pics, sermon share, forums, and much more. Completely free with no advertisements either. URL: Category: Internet Resources > Internet Services
House Church Central - 50% House church central provides resourses for those worshipping in the small (Matthew 20) Christ centered church, whether they be a small group, cell group, or independent home church. URL: Category: Personal Growth > Bible Study Materials
House Church Central - 50% Resources for (non-denominational) Christian house churches, including theology, recommended books, electronic publications. "House church" includes Bible studies, cells, and small groups. URL: Category: Ministry Topical > Theology
Praise the Savior - Christian MP3 - chords, tabs, - 50% Christian sermons, outlines, full text sermons, Bible studies, praise and worship resources, MP3. URL: Category: Church/Pastoral Resources > Sermon Outlines
Only Believe Publishing - 50% Sermons, books, CDs, short stories, gospel tracks, and more. URL: Category: Church/Pastoral Resources > Reference
Walking With The - 50% May God bless you all. Jesus is coming again soon. As the world is falling apart all around us. We must put our faith in Jesus. Focus your eyes on Jesus our strength in these last days. Listen to sermons online. http://www. walkingwiththelord. net URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Churches
Faith and Worship - Prayers and resources - 50% A new collection of prayers in the Celtic Christian tradition, together with sermons and resources for ministry. URL: Category: Church/Pastoral Resources > Reference
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Displaying 31 to 40 of 46 web sites found. |