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Displaying 1 to 10 of 13 web sites found. 1st Stop For Free Christian Wallpaper - 50% Christian wallpaper with Bible verses, featuring pictures of Jesus, animals, birds, flowers, nature, scenic, space, winter, more. Organized by category. Also includes Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas wallpaper. URL: Category: Internet Resources > Clip Art
1st Stop For Christian Clipart - 50% A wide variety of Christian free clip art featuring pictures of Jesus pictures, Bible characters, and other free religious clip art. Includes Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving holiday clipart. URL: Category: Internet Resources > Clip Art
Virginia Smith Website - 50% Virginia Smith writes contemporary humorous books for Christians, like her debut novel JUST AS I AM and her upcoming mystery MURDER BY MUSHROOM. URL: Category: Books > Book Authors
Adam's Web - 50% A home page providing fresh Christian content, freeware links, veteran's links, a tribute to my sister, clean humor, and a testimony on living with Anxiety and BPD. URL: Category: Personal Pages > A-M
The Christmas Special - 50% The Christmas Special is a political thriller by David Hearne that delves into one of today's most complex and controversial subjects, terrorism. The novel portrays a crumbling Muslim family in post 9/11 America who become ensnared in a new terrorist atta URL: Category: Media > Newsletters
God's Little Acre - 50% A Christian site of inspirational and spiritual growth poems and stories, humor, music, words of wisdom, prayer book for prayer requests, daily scripture and more, all to help you grow in the way of the Lord Jesus. URL: Category: Personal Growth > General
The adventures of Lulu Bell - 50% A serial story relating the search for identity and ancestry. Humor and fun. For all. URL: Category: General Interest > Humor
Amazing Faith Home - 50% Amazing Bible facts, articles-short stories-testimonies-poetry-lyrics all to encourage and inspire your heart. Humor and clean jokes, true short testimonies of answers to prayers, submit your answer to prayer story to encourage others, great links, my chu URL: Category: Personal Growth > General
Five Christmas Classics - 50% Fresh musical interpretations of Christmas songs "Happy Birthday Jesus, " "White Christmas, " "Little Drummer Boy, " "Up On the Housetop, " and "Jingle Bells. " Instruments used include Kalimba, kazoo, nose flute, misc. bells, voice effects, and more. Fre URL: Category: General Interest > Humor
Christmas and General Merchandise - 50% Special submission of your website's url to 50 top search engines & Christian search engines for $10.00. And for a 100 top search engines & Christian search engines for $25.00. And at anytime, post your classified ads for free that is posted to over one t URL: Category: Search > Search Engines
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Displaying 1 to 10 of 13 web sites found. |