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Displaying 1 to 10 of 16 web sites found. Spiritual Foundations - 33% Free on line Bible studies for Galatians, Matthew and Christian basics like Jesus, born again, prayer, baptism, atonement, tithing, communion, church, redemption, praise, mercy, etc. URL: Category: Personal Growth > Bible Study Materials
First Baptist Church of McHenry - 33% First Baptist Church of McHenry. URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Churches
Good Samaritan Mission - 33% To follow the Mandate of Matthew 25:35-40 by taking in the stranger, feed the hungry, and give clothing to those in need. To provide meals, food boxes, lodging, and clothing vouchers through Orville's Thrift Shop and to help men, women, and families for t URL: Category: Family/Individual > Mens' Ministries
Daily Prayer - 33% Daily Prayer provides a new online devotional every day, including prayers, music, Scripture, commentary on a Bible selection, and music. We also have Bible quizzes and many other useful features. Start you day with God your life. URL: Category: Personal Growth > Devotionals - 33% Discussion, interaction, resources, and commentary related to a lifstyle of Christian worship. URL: Category: Online Reading > Online Magazines
Matthew 24 Olivet Discourse - 33% Read today's newspaper or internet headlines in the Bible as Jesus predicted they would be as we near His return. URL: Category: Ministry Topical > Prophecy
The One Stop News Shop - 33% This is the place for informative NEWS links, NEWS chat, hard to find NEWS stories, and fact-based commentary and opinion pieces based on the latest NEWS! URL: Category: Online Forums > Newsgroups
APOLOGETICA - 33% APOLOGETICA is a Christian apologetics blog/website which contains articles, book reviews, news commentary, and research on different religions and religious issues; written in defence of the historical Christian faith. URL: Category: Ministry Topical > Apologetics
At The Gate Ministries - 33% Building a bridge between the Church and Community to present the Gospel in new and exciting ways. Ministry based on Matthew 7:13-14. URL: Category: Ministry Outreach > Missionary Ministries
Relevant Bible Teaching - 33% Bible commentary, apologetics, theology, Christian books, evangelism and prayer resources, and more. URL: Category: Personal Growth > General
Final 6 Results Select page: [ 1 ] [ 2 ]
Displaying 1 to 10 of 16 web sites found. |