The Berean Call
Mission is to alert believers in Christ to unbiblical teachings and practices impacting the church. Exhorts believers to give greater heed to biblical discernment and truth regarding teachings and practices being currently promoted in the church.
URL: Date: Sunday September 14, 2003
This site examines the question, "How did we get here?" This site is unique because it centers around several individuals involved in the Creation/Evolution debate.
URL: Date: Friday June 25, 1999
Creation Engineering Concepts
Creation science speaker on the creation vs. evolution controversy. Subjects such as the age of the earth, the best evidence for evolution, dinosaurs, homology, intelligent design, La Brea tar pits, laws of nature, Genesis flood, Noah's ark.
URL: Date: Saturday April 1, 2006
Spiritual Counterfeits Project
Christian counter-cult ministry maintains files on over 6000 groups (unavailable online) and publishes the SCP Journal.
URL: Date: Sunday September 12, 1999
Ex-Cult Archive
Collection of contact information, links, and recommended media materials on the topics of cults and cult recovery.
URL: Date: Sunday September 12, 1999
Academic Info - NRMs
Annotated directory of Internet resources on new religious movements and alternative spirituality. Includes sections on Jonestown and Waco.
URL: Date: Sunday September 12, 1999
Message of the Angels Ministry
An interdenominational ministry teaching the uncompromised Word of God with a prophetic edge.
URL: Date: Monday August 11, 2003
Gospel Outreach Ministries Online
A Christian apologetics ministry dedicated to the proclamation of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in cyberspace.
URL: Date: Wednesday May 14, 2003
Logicality of Jesus Christ
A simple logical reasoning beginning with the existence of the Universe inevitably leads to and meshes perfectly with the deeper truths contained in the Bible; more importantly to the amazing confirmation that Jesus Christ is indeed Lord God of all cre...
URL: Date: Saturday February 14, 2009
Prophecies 2000
The Jews had to be in Jerusalem for end-time prophecies to be fulfilled. The generation of 1967 was the last. It will not pass till all things be fulfilled.
URL: Date: Tuesday November 18, 2008